PathCheck DICE Computational Health Fellowship
The PathCheck DICE Computational Health Fellow initiative is a program to support doctoral students from developing nations to carry out impactful research on computational health, AI for public health, Computational Privacy in Health, and
The Global Health Innovators Seminar — Prof. Milind Tambe
This blog is the high-level summary of the talk given by Prof. Milind Tambe, Harvard/Google AI at the PathCheck DICE Global Health Innovators seminar! Check out to know more about previous talks.
Message From Our New President
I am pleased to join the PathCheck Foundation as President to help lead the organization into a bold new future as the preeminent open source initiative for enabling and supporting global health and pandemic response. In 2011, I started a…
Data Informatics Center for Epidemiology (DICE): Announcing the new center for computational health at PathCheck Foundation
Excited to announce the launch of our new center at PathCheck Foundation! THE DATA INFORMATICS CENTER FOR EPIDEMIOLOGY (DICE) - - will focus on building computational health solutions driven by data, machine learning…
Our Transition to a new President
I am writing to share the news that I have formally transitioned from my role as President of the PathCheck Foundation. I had the pleasure of taking over the role from Adam Berrey who has beautifully captured the first three phases…
Vaccination for All: Trusted, Easy-to-use Covid-19 Vaccination Card for every American
The MIT Media Lab, PathCheck Foundation and IDEO have designed a COVID-19 vaccination card and protocol, as well as an accompanied digital scanner app, to encourage citizens to get vaccinated.
A quick recap: The Global Health Innovators Seminar #9
This blog is the high-level summary of the talk given by Serina Chang, Stanford University, and Cecilia Mascolo, the University of Cambridge at the PathCheck Global Health Innovators seminar, I co-organize!
PathCheck announces “Celebrate the (Covid ) Shot” Party Fri Jul 23
ThePathCheck Foundation partnered with Grendel's Den Restaurant and other retailers to create a fun celebration of the Covid shot with gifts, fun games at local restaurants, bars, retailers and venues.
PathCheck Releases Free Covid QR Verifier App for the State of CA
PathCheck Releases Free Covid QR Verifier App for the State of CA New tool to fight fraudulent paper CDC cards in a privacy preserving way MIT Professor Ramesh Raskar states that cryptography-signed QR codes are the best way…
PathCheck Partners in the Release AlohaSafe Contact Tracing App
In an effort between PathCheck, AlohaSafe, and the Hawaii State Department of Health, we are excited to announce the AlohaSafe Alert mobile contact tracing app. The app can be downloaded on both IOS and Android phones.
COVID Defense LA & PathCheck Launch New Contact Tracing App
In a collaborative effort with COVIDDefense and the Louisiana State Health Department, we were able to launch COVID Defense LA, a mobile contact tracing app that is changing how contact tracing is done in Louisiana.
The Challenges of Equitable Vaccine Distribution
As COVID-19 has spread across every single country on our planet, governments around the world are initiating vaccine distribution and monitoring, and setting comprehensive standards in order to avoid major roadblocks along the way.
Augmenting Paper-Based Vaccination Cards With Printed Codes
At the time that this post is being written, 2.4 million individuals have died from COVID-19, with another 109 million currently infected due to a lack of effective curative or fully preventative measures. After battling the…
PathCheck Foundation Accomplishments in 2020 and Plans for 2021
2020 brought the world a deadly pandemic that continues to ravage communities in every country. PathCheck Foundation was born out of that crisis. In the face of the challenges, as a nascent organization…
Vaccination Passport Comparison
In 2021, the COVID-19 Vaccine Passport will become the most important travel document. A globally-acceptable digital Vaccine Passport could be the key to countries reopening borders around the world — soon, vaccine passports could become…
Encrypted VacCards and Rollout Solutions
On January 19th, the Trusted Pandemic Technologies group from the MIT Media Lab conducted a webinar discussing strategies and solutions for distributing vaccines in an ethical and equitable manner in the United States.
Minnesota Launches COVIDaware MN Built by PathCheck Foundation
We’re very excited to announce that Minnesota has launched their COVIDaware MN exposure notification app on iOs and Android. The app was built by the PathCheck team working with Minnesota using our open source software.
Canadian Innovation Ecosystem is Now Represented in PathCheck Community
Right from the start, the Montreal innovation ecosystem mobilized and organized itself around different initiatives that would seek to use technology to assist with the worldwide threat that the COVID-19 pandemic represented.
PathCheck Foundation Designed, Built and Tested Guam Covid Alert Mobile App
Back in May Guam had an initial spread of the COVID-19 virus. . Early August the territory is now in a second wave, and a stay at home order was put into place. This second wave has been devastating with now over 19 deaths and 1700 cases.
PathCheck Launches Solutions for EN Express Unveiled by Google/Apple
PathCheck is launching an advisory service and a professional service to help states build, launch, and deploy their EN Express solutions. Today, Google and Apple announced EN Express, which builds on the Google Apple Exposure Notification…