Vitor Pamplona Vitor Pamplona

Contact Tracing: Holistic Solution beyond Bluetooth

Contact tracing requires a strong understanding of location and context of encounters. Although Bluetooth technology does not provide location or context of the encounters, we would like to share our excitement and also some thoughts about…

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Vitor Pamplona Vitor Pamplona

The Architecture of Trust in Contact Tracing

The key to containing the COVID-19 epidemic and its economic consequences If you had to choose between safety and privacy, what would you choose? If you had to choose between your source of income and your individual rights, which would…

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Vitor Pamplona Vitor Pamplona

Transparency and Consent — By Default

Surveillance State, or a Better Option? Difficult times lead to clear perspectives. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has stopped “life as normal” across much of the world. As governments and healthcare systems put into place strict…

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