Data, Health, and Racial Equity
This blog is the high-level summary of the talk given by Prof. Elaine O. Nsoesie, Boston University at the PathCheck DICE Global Health Innovators seminar! Check out to know more about previous talks!
Prof. Nsoesie mentioned various data sources and tools that capture both direct and indirect human interactions and how these could be used for various health monitoring use cases. She further alluded to her work on understanding the differential impact of various diseases and health policies through a racial lens.
Racial data tracker goals:
Research on surveillance tools to monitor disease patterns includes the collection of data at a timely and low-cost rate. The exposure of information on infectiousness spreads reduces data silos in individuals/communities
A few key tools and utilities:
direct correlation between the provision of data and settlements of higher education/income
The study of demographics indicates gender groups can contrast in exercise dietary content when desegregated from social media. Eg. Females tend to appropriate towards yoga more and high caloric foods than males, which allure to cross fit and low caloric foods
Implications: Some groups are not represented in data groups, hence not service policies towards them, gaps of racial (BIPOC), gender, and income disparities.
Q&A Highlights
Health departments generally acquire a report statement, though some communities do not report foodborne illnesses from culturally-induced /local limitations. One way to improve data reliance is by engaging with those communities to understand their communal behavior and intend to capture the solicited data.
Combining the influx of arbitrary data from google, with electronic health records and clinician searches make it more efficient to deduce general trends and absolutism of validity. With online data, one of the limitations still is a lack of understanding of why each user searches intently for the specified branch of data.
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